Saturday, December 29, 2007

First Christmas in Cali.

Jay sent us some pics of Shannon and him getting a tree and decorating it.

First Christmas in Cali.


Pics Gail took at her graduation from College




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Sunday, September 30, 2007

Hot Air Balloon Weekend

September 15th, 2007 was hot air balloon weekend. These I took that morning over our house.

September 08, 2007 GO BLUE!

On Sept. 08, 2007 Lee's 25th Birthday we took Lee and Jessica to a Michigan Football game. It was Jessica's first live game (sorry to say we lost).

Bruce just had to take Smack over to the fire hydrant (his dog from College, which Joel and Anne, Smacks parent after College bring to all the games.) To take his picture, this is his tin w/ashes in it setting on top of the fire hydrant.