Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Here are two pictures that Gloria took this past weekend.


Monday, August 15, 2005

Gail and Jeff had us over for a campfire on Saturday night. Chris and David drove up from Chicago for Sally's Birthday party on Sunday.


Campfire with the Elvis log in it.

Jeff and Gail


Chris and David

Gail and Jeff's dog Zoey, she is a Shetland Sheep Dog.

I think I am prettier than Lassie

Zoey "how do I look by the flowers"?

Aloha everyone! Welcome to a surpise Birthday party for our Sister Sally!

Guess who's Birthday it was



I Love You Great Aunt Sally

Time to open gifts Great Aunt Sally!

The peanut gallery

Jessica, Melissa and Christina watching Aunt Sally open gifts

One bottle of wine on the wall. Elvis has left the building.

3 bottles of wine on the wall

Happy Birthday Aunt Sally

Got you back

Nick in his party hat

Friends Gailee and KC, stopped in to wish Sally Happy ?? Birthday!

Hail, Hail the gang is all here! Well almost just missing Lindsay, Jay and Shannon. But what a surprise!

Sally turned ?????????????can you guess?

What a good sport

This one is called save the Princess

Hide -n- seek from Zoey

Party Games

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Four Generations, Great Grandma Brown (Shirley), Grandpa Brown (Doug), Mother (Melissa) and Ava

Great Grandma Brown with her first Great Grandchild Ava

The Big Day!

Waiting for their cue

Dad (Tom) walking his daughter (Jessica) down the aisle

Grandma and Grandpa Hopfensperger watching on, as the first and oldest of their Grandchildren (Jessica) gets married.

Blessing of the rings

I now pronounce you man and wife

You may kiss the bride

Mr and Mrs Galen Westman

Ann, David and Joel

Arnie and Andrea

Dar and Kirsten

Nick and Abby

The Wedding Cake

Galen and Jessica, young love

The glasses keep chiming

First Dance For The Newlyweds

Bride and Groom dance